It occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to each other, walmarts, fast food chains etc.
the cultural revolution to revolutionize the chinese culture
historical and cultural significance does the place have ]
Cultural diffusion occurs via human migration, intercultural marriages or cultural exchange via letters, books or electronic media. It is a phenomenon in which specific cultural concepts, ideas or technologies spread from one culture to another. cultural diffusion is categorized into three types: direct, forced and indirect.
All of the above
The Internet and ICT Technology has had a major impact on the cultural sharing.
Cultural leveling refers to the process of different cultures becoming more similar. Examples include the global spread of American fast food chains, the popularity of English as a global language, and the homogenization of fashion trends worldwide.
Cultural diffusion is a change process where the values and cultural constructs of one group are passed to another group. Cultural leveling refers to the process by which cultures lose their identity and become similar to one another. The exchange of unique cultural constructs eventually leads to cultural leveling by creating pressure to change.
it's a process in which cultures become similar to one another. it usually has negative and positive effects on our society. Food, litestyle, way of thinking and dressing are examples of cultural diffusiion
A couple of examples of cultural differences are tradition and how people eat their food.
Examples of how socio-cultural factors effect a business environment
a cultural landscape is a combination of cultural features such as language and religion or agriculture and industry or climate and vegetation. As for the examples i sadly have none.
Cultural Artifacts
there are many ways out for leveling and are water leveling ,dumpy leveling ,laser leveling , sprite levalling
people born in 1989
what are the examples of cultural factor with tourist appeal in art?
they don't know what happened to them