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Although there may be many pros to school uniforms, there are also many cons that must be noted. One possible con is that the uniforms take away the individual's style. When everyone is wearing the wearing the same thing, the individual must resort to accessories in order to portray their style and personality. The argument that uniforms stop teasing is easily proved inaccurate. Those that had "trendy" clothes before will still be sporting the Abercrombie or Aeropastle logo as opposed to the kids who will be wearing poorly made Wal-Mart clothes. Forcing children to wear uniforms can often incite even more rebellion.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

school uniforms are bad for kids because it may sound weird but clothes and the way we wear them expresses them and how they feel and the way they dress makes them feel good about their selves and knowing that they look good in their own way and their comfortable in their own skin.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They don't stop bulling , they cost a boat load of money and they can hurt boys because the tie can get stuck in a door way and the boy's face would be smashed up

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Uniforms cost a lot of money. They also take away from the responsibility teens have by dressing themselves.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

good - no one is teased about not wearing whats fashionable (but then again it can still happen with accessories Bad - reduced creativity, ability to express onself and they look aweful

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βˆ™ 15y ago

they make every1 seem less original also they take away your sense of freedom you cant show your sense of creativity also a uniform makes evry1 more irritable

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