One of the most famous monuments in Britain is the monument to Lord Nelson, in Trafalgar Square, London. It is known as Nelson's Column, and features a figure of Nelson, and lions at the foot of the column.
There are a great many number of major tourist attractions in Texas. You could for example go see the ocean.
Yhe old state house
Many jazz singers are know to have come from New Orleans. Some famous jazz singers are, Louis Armstrong, Johnny Hartman, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald.
salvador allende become famous because his parents was the president of chile and his mom was the most beutiful women in the world
"There are many famous attractions to travel to in Minneapolis. Some include: The Museums, The Fine Dining, The Clubs at Night Life, Lakes and Parks and mainly the Theaters."
i am i am One of them is taipei 101
Some famous tourist attractions in Egypt include the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the temples of Luxor and Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
There are many different kinds of attractions in Australia. Many people for example love to visit the famous Australian Outback.
To be brief, some of the historical attractions in Sultanahmet area, including Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace and Blue Mosque, and of course the Bosphorus strait.
There are many famous attractions inside of Oswego such as historic railroad stations and museums.
Some famous and popular tourist attractions in Northeast U.S are New York's Statue of Liberty and Niagara Falls. Whale watching in Boston and the Poconos mountains attract many tourists as well.
There are many different popular attractions in San Diego. One of the most famous attractions would be the San Diego zoo. There are also many museums there.
some are Victoria falls, zambezi river, mafinger hills
Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando. Tourist attractions in Kissimmee/St. Cloud. Many others, too numerous to mention.
Some famous and popular tourist attractions in Northeast U.S are New York's Statue of Liberty and Niagara falls. Whale watching in Boston and the Poconos mountains attract many tourists as well.
Alexandria's greatest attractions were its famous museum and library