duties of government are to ensure welfare of people of the country if the government has to be good it has to ensure equality,peace,discipline and justice in the country
10 lines of duties of a good citizen
Responsibilities, government, rights, duties.
Separation of Powers
In general terms, nearly every governmental system gives particular duties to each branch of government within it. At the same time, 'constitutional' systems are rightly famous in respect to their careful delineation of distinct branches of government and the proper duties for each; for example, the American system provides very clear guidance on the duties for its judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government.
the Constitution
rights of people plans public good government
explain the duties,sponsibilities,and powers of the local government chairman
10 lines of duties of a good citizen
The duties of the government is to ensure that health care services and infrastructure are offered. They also put policies in place.
It has to do with states duties to each other and the duties the federal government has to the states.
They may. Depends on which government and specific duties.
Government's important duties include making laws and enforcing those laws in order to protect its citizens. Another important duty of government is to provide for under privileged members of government.
Responsibilities, government, rights, duties.
the constitution
Separation of Powers
Bank charges are fees charged by and received by the bank. Government taxes and duties are fees withheld by the bank and forwarded to the respective government.