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Enumerate powers of the Senate are the powers granted to this government group through the US Constitution. The enumerated powers of the US Senate are to collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, establish Immigration and bankruptcy laws, oversee the postal service, create money, create intellectual property laws, create punishment guidelines for piracy and felonies, declare war, establish lower courts, create and organize militias, and more.

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7y ago

Powers granted to the US Senate under the constitution are:

To ratify treaties with a two thirds majority

To confirm federal appointments

To try cases of impeachment*

To elect a vice-president (in the case of an electoral college tie)

*While the House of Representatives has the power to recommend impeachment of a sitting president, vice president or other civic official such as a judge for "high crimes and misdemeanors," as written in the Constitution, the Senate is the sole jury once impeachment goes to trial. With a two-thirds majority, the Senate may thus remove an official from office.

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7y ago

To the framers of the constitution there were two types of powers. Expressed power and implied. The expressed powers are ones that are stated like the power to declare war is given to congress, but to the framers it was clear that they didn't mean to have these powers be the final word so they built in a " fail safe" method to give leeway in what congress can do. They used a clause in Article 1 stating what was " necessary and proper." This means that congress can make laws to carry out the expressed powers. To a strict constructionist this is hazy and they are fearful that the government might take on too many powers and they claim that the constitution limits congress to powers only expressed in the constitution. A loose constructionist feel that congress not only has the power but the responsibility to adapt to changing times by making new laws. The existence of the clause in Article 1 indicates that the Framers knew the government would change and have to take on additional powers or obligations. The Supreme Court brought the concept of implied powers to life by hearing cases like aMcCulloch v Maryland in 1819.

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9y ago

The expressed powers of the senate are ambassadors. This is done by the 2nd and 3rd votes.

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Does the senate have enumerated powers?

The Senate does not have enumerated powers. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the US constitution, Congress has enumerated powers.

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Enumerated powers

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Enumerated powers are the powers that are specifically stated.

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Implied powers are powers that are perceived to be in place. Enumerated powers are powers that are specifically listed. An example of enumerated powers are the powers listed in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

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Enumerated powers are the powers explicitly granted to congress by the Constitution. powers that are specifically mentioned, or listed, in the Constitution

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Implied powers given by the Necessary and Proper Clause in the Constitution. Although those powers are not specifically mentioned, they can be carried out in order to perform the written, or enumerated, powers.

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Enumerated powers belong only to the federal government.

How is the word enumerated powers used in a sentence?

Enumerated powers belong only to the federal government.

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Enumerated powers are specific powers granted to Congress by the Constitution.

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Delegated powers of the National Gov. that are spelled out in the Constitution are called expressed powers, aka "enumerated powers"

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Enumerated Powers are also known as Expressed Powers, found in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.