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The purpose of village development committees is to organize village people structurally at a local level and to create a partnership between the community and the public sector for improved service delivery system. A VDC has a status as an autonomous institution and authority for interacting with the more centralized institutions of governance in Nepal. In doing so, the VDC gives village people an element of control and responsibility in development and ensures proper use and distribution of state funds and a greater interaction between government officials, NGOs and agencies. The village development committees, sanitation and income, and will monitor and record progress which is displayed in census data and bring all round development in the village area.

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Q: What are the functions of Village Development committee?
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Tamil inscriptions discusses the functions of the village committee during the Chola period.

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The phone number of the Scio Development Committee is: 740-945-2172.

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What committee oversees the development and approval of new forms for the health record?

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Where is the Scio Development Committee in Scio Ohio located?

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