The deal enhanced good cohesion between member countries, besides being a major achievement for Manmohan Singh. It was very difficult to handle the radioactive wastes produced by nuclear power.
Only by amendment of the Constitution of the United States
It was a deal that was extremely fair.
it is a result of a new deal
A Deal for country corruptions...A Deal for Personal Needs...A Deal for there OWN success...For short PGMA PERSONAL GOALS and not for FILIPINO PEOPLE / COUNTRY...
what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement? what is merits and demerits of posters and advertisement?
Merits: it is efficient does not produce green house gases Demerits: it produces nuclear waste that can get people badly sick and eventualy kill them if exsposed to it and the waste is realy hard to "dispose" of
merits and demerits of plastics
hotel merits and demerits
criket merits and demerits
Merits and Demerits of media?
merits and demerits of fasion
merits and demerits of privatization of VSNL
What are the merits and demerits of an economic system?
MERITS : the merits of nuclear family is that if u are a house wife or even working:::it will be easier to handle it as the family is small........... DEMERITS : it is not good to have a small family as if u need a help.......there is no help.u are alone/............
what are the merits and demerits of tally?
merits and demerits of wages and salary administration