one is micha
Goliad, San Jacinto, San Antonio, those are the main ones
Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott were some of the most famous Revolutionary War figures who volunteered to be Minutemen. Their bravery is well known and recognized to this day.
David Lloyd-George, Harriet Beecher-Stowe, Edgar Allen Poe, Hilary Rodham Clinton, Boutros Boutros Ghalli, John Logie Baird, Horace Smith-Dorien, Mao Tse Tung, Johann Sebastien Bach....
There were many spies during the American Civil War. Some of the better known male spies were Lafayette Baker, Timothy Webster, and Henry Harrison.
Protestors do not have the legal right to block traffic, as it can be considered a public safety hazard and a violation of traffic laws.
can I please know the names of famous people that start with d.
Core Protestors
They had a fear of being inducted into the military.
Sabrina Moore
· Andy Warhol
No, it is not legal to drive through protestors. Doing so can result in criminal charges and serious consequences. It is important to respect the rights of individuals to peacefully protest.