According to Article 1 Section 5 of the Constitution : "Each house may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."
The rules must be agreed upon by the House upon convening. This means that each new congress is not bound by the rules and proceedings of a previous congress.
The article of Adjournment lays the ground rules for Congress to keep both houses within close proximity of each other. The reason for such a thing is to keep either house from passing legislation that the other would have to also pass to move it on to the president for signing, from being held up until the other could be in session. More for a means of expedience and legality that in cases of a call to war where both houses would have to pass the measure or fundamental aspects of keeping the government running both houses would be available at the same time to debate and vote on laws that need to be passed for the betterment of the nation.
The president vetoes a law passed by Congress, but Congress overrides the veto with a two-thirds majority vote. (APEX)
The House and the Senate have Rules that pertain to such eventualities.
You cant at the same time
According to Article 1 Section 5 of the Constitution : "Each house may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."
There are no informal rules of congress.
rules of operation sign of numbers
A resolution passed by both houses of Congress is required for conducting business in a location other than the capitol building. This resolution must outline the details of the alternative location, duration of the session, and any necessary logistical arrangements.
In the United States Congress, meetings are conducted according to the rules of each house. These rules are generally longstanding and well established, though they're subject to be changed by leadership and majority vote.
The majority party wets the rules for conducting business in Congress.
The Constitution
There are different rules for different operations.
that they dont no what to do