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The Battle of Tours was the final battle that drove the Muslim Moors from Western Europe. It took place in Spain in 1492.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The battle of Tours

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Q: What battle saved Europe from the Muslims?
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This frank dude that you are talking about is a Muslim. The battle that saved the Muslims was the battle of tours. It took place in Spain,1492. Duh.

What battle occurred in 732 AD that kept the Muslims out of central Europe?

The Battle of Tours! :)

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This frank dude that you are talking about is a Muslim. The battle that saved the Muslims was the battle of tours. It took place in Spain,1492. Duh.

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The Crusades. There were nine crusades between 1096-1272

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The battle between the Muslims and the Franks was called the?

The battle between the Muslims and the Franks was called the Battle of Tours.

Where was Islam's attempt to conquer Europe stopped?

Charles Martel beat the Muslims at the Battle of Tours in what was Tours, France in 732 C.E.

Why was Charles victory at the battle of tours so important for Christianity?

The victory at the Battle of Tours prevented Islam from spreading into Europe. This preserved Christianity for many centuries.Because if the Muslims had won, western Europe might have become part of the Muslim Empire.