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Wild Weasels were invented in Vietnam. Those aircraft would go after the AAA and SAM sites drawing them away from the bombers. Original Wild Weasels were the F100 Supersabres, then the F4 Phantoms replaced them. Strategic bombing was the course of the war in North Vietnam; tactical bombing in support of ground troops was the norm in South Vietnam. As a rule, USMC jets only worked in South Vietnam; while USN jets bombed North Vietnam. As difficult it is for some historians to believe, the USAF F104 Starfighter and F102 Delta Dagger (President Bush Junior's jet) were used for ground support close air strike missions (dropping bombs); approximately 14/15 Starfighters and Delta Daggers were lost in the war. One F102 was downed in aerial combat with a MIG21; one Starfighter was downed in air to air combat with a Red Chinese MIG-19 (probably a J6 version) in 1965, when the F104 strayed to close to Hainan Island.

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Q: What bombing tactics did the US use in Vietnam in 1965?
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What kind of tactics did Vietnam use in the war against the Americans?

During the Vietnam War, the US strategy was "Attritition". This involved the tactics of "Search and Destroy", which was accompanied by the procedure of "counting enemy bodies", which resulted in the term, "body count".

What tactics did the Americans use in Vietnam?

they launched multirole bombers more than enough to destroy the north vietnamese forces

What tactics did US use against the Vietcong?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

Did the hawks want the US to send more troops into Vietnam and to increase bombing?

It is not accurate to say that all hawks wanted the US to send more troops into Vietnam and increase bombing. While some hawks believed in escalating military involvement, others favored alternative strategies such as increased bombing or counterinsurgency efforts. The position of hawks varied within the broader debate about the US's role in Vietnam.

What tactics did the US use against Vietcong guerrillas?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

Why do you use tactics?

Why do I use tactics? Well, because tactics are better than brute force.

What was the purpose of operation rolling thunder?

To use aerial bombardments to force the communists to quit their struggle against South Vietnam.