Brutal they would chop peoples heads off and play kick-ball with them. (They would play with the loser's heads.)
John Smith, a harsh and brutal ruler who forced the colonial "gentlemen" to work hard for the good of the colony, is generally said to have saved Jamestown.
Think of highwaymen as land pirates. They attacked anyone that looked like they might have something of value. And they were equally as brutal, often resorting to murder to silence the victims of their crimes.
Hostile. The nine Lochner-era justices Roosevelt inherited from earlier administrations opposed most of his New Deal legislation, declaring six of the eight major Acts unconstitutional. The 1935 and 1936 Terms were especially brutal, but the Court began to shift toward a more progressive stance in 1937, as the older justices retired and were replaced.Roosevelt appointed eight new, liberal, justices between 1937 and 1943, beginning a progressive era that lasted into the 1970s.
The social contract was significant because it sparked debate among people. The views on social contract were also used in the French revolution.
Japan was generally a very brutal & dangerous oppressor of the peoples in its occupied territories.
Brutal justice is brutal justice...Brutal: A brutal act or person is cruel or violentJustice: The fairness in the way that people are treated
Brutal love
Brutal love
No, the word brutal is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example, a brutal war, a brutalpunishment.
No, the word 'brutal' is the adjective form for the noun brute.The noun form for the adjective brutal is brutality.
Brutal Assault was created in 1995.
Brutal Truth was created in 1990.
Brutal Truth ended in 1999.
Brutal Juice ended in 1997.
Brutal Juice was created in 1991.
Brutal Knights was created in 2006.