Political philosophy is a specialist subject studied at many universities. The topics studied include but are not limited to liberty, justice and property rights.
Many libertarians argue that the notion of a linear political spectrum itself is not sufficient to describe the ideas and platform. In general, the libertarian philosophy of non-aggression and personal freedom is not adequately described by either a conservative or a liberal philosophy. Some people do think of libertarians as being fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Those labels, however, imply that there is some sort of derivative relationship between the libertarian movement and other political movements and parties, which there is not. Refer to the World's Smallest Political Quiz (see related link below) for more information.
john Locke
John locke
Political participation among Americans can best be described as a
Its philosophy is best expressed in its motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher, best known for his work on political philosophy. His book "Leviathan" was published in 1651 and established the foundation for modern West political philosophy.
Structurally, the Mahabharata is a compendium of ancient Indian mythology, history, political theory, and philosophy, and has sometimes been described as an ancient encyclopedia of Indian knowledge
know body knows because noboby asked him
The term meant 'love of wisdom' and so was a broad term, covering political theory, social knowledge and science.
The political career of Abraham Lincoln could best be described as slow and steady wins the race. He was a self taught lawyer who in Illinois hones his craft for public speaking and debate as he climbed the political ladder.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss philosopher, described the importance of the general will in his political philosophy. He believed that the general will represents the common good of the community and should guide political decision-making for the benefit of all members of society.
taking a different route each morning
Growing old in your childhood home