Originally santas suit was grey but around 1950 coca colas marketing department change it to red and white.
Santa in England prior to the Coke advert was an amalgam of Saint Nicholas and the ancient god Herne and wore a number of different coloured coats but generally was depicted using a green coat.
Yes, tanned is a colour just like any other colour in the rainbow
Parties in suits are basicallt suit 16 parties
The counsel for the parties to the suit.
burial suit
the coca cola advert
the answer is green
Santa's best color is Red, that's why his suit is red ...
Santa has white hair like his beard
The original colour of Santa - AKA Saint Nicholas (Santa was his nickname) was green. He was a Bishop, and green was the colour of his Bishop robes. He became famous because he was known to leave gifts and food for poor families and orphaned children on Christmas, hence where we get our stories of Santa Claus from. Coca-Cola changed his colour from green to red during their adverts on TV, because green represented their rival company, 7-Up.
santas face is oval and puruple his suit is also puruple
The day of your birth has absolutely nothing to do with what colours do or do not suit you. The colours that suit you depend on your skin tone, hair colour and eye colour. Dates have nothing to do with it. Black will usually mix well with any colour, because black itself is not a colour - it is the absence of colour.
His suit colour in China is a solid red. It is also a classic to wear a red suit.
Mr. Red - Blue Suit Mr. Green - Red Suit Mr. Blue - Red Suit