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Q: What conditions most likely stunned the American soldiers at Buchenwald?
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What did President Johnson do that stunned political backers after he took office?

After taking office, President Johnson completely changed his views on Reconstruction, which stunned political backers.

What happened in the battle between the USS Constitution and the HMS Guerriere?

For nearly an hour, the two ships jockeyed for position. At last, the guns from the Constitution roared into action. They tore holes in the side of the HMS Guerriere and shot off both masts. Stunned the British captain had no choice but to surrender

What is an example of counter culture after World War 2?

Read 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouc, the guidebook of Post-war American youth who gave birth to 'beatniks' (a term coined by San Francisco Chronicle columnist, Herb Caen), what some might call a reactionary group that faced the Korean War and what evolved into the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation with a mixture of intellectualism, nihilism, pessimism and lots of anxiety. Jazz found a new voice after the War also, introducing Miles Davis, Dizzy Gilespie, Charlie Parker etc., who blew the old days of 'Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye' crowd away, giving birth to be-bop. In the art world, Jackson Pollack stunned the art world with huge canvases of paint dribbles, Jasper Johns and endless iterations of the American Flag, Claes Oldenburg's sculptures all described a break from the Old to the New.

What was the purpose of a granade?

There are three kinds of grenades. Antipersonnel grenades are used against people. There are fragmentation grenades, which break up when they explode and scatter, at high speeds, pieces of metal which injure or kill whoever you used the grenade against. There are also distraction grenades which create a loud noise and bright flash of light to stun the target...while they're stunned, you can rush in and take them into custody. (SWAT teams love distraction grenades.) Smoke grenades produce thick clouds of smoke. There are white smoke grenades used to conceal troop movements, and colored smoke grenades used for signaling. Product-delivery grenades come in two varieties. The first are White Phosphorous (willy-pete), which is an incendiary agent. The other are Tear Gas grenades.

What did George Washington care deeply about?

As the history of our country has shared so much information about our first President of the United States, it can safely be said that George Washington loved his God, his wife and family, his service to the country who loved him in return.It could also be said, that he loved the men who fought with him for the independence, freedom, and rights we enjoy in the United States today.His parents?