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Tanzania, Uganda, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya

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Q: What countries speak Swahili?
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Do all African countries speak Swahili?

No, not all African countries speak Swahili. Swahili is primarily spoken in East Africa, particularly in countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Many African countries have their own official languages and dialects.

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How do you turn this into a present perfect He knows how to speak Swahili?

He has known how to speak Swahili :)

What do ugandans speak?

Ugandans speak English as the official language, as well as various indigenous languages such as Luganda, Swahili, and others spoken by different ethnic groups across the country.

Why does Alex Trebek speak Swahili?


Is Swahili spoken in the Masai Mara?

Not by the majority of the inhabitants, but the few humans who live there usually speak Swahili.

How do you say champion in Swahili?

Swahili is a language spoken by Swahili people in African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. In Swahili champion is called Bingwa.

What is the word for the numeral one in Swahili?

Swahili is a language that is spoken by the Swahili people in countries such as Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. The word for the numeral one in Swahili is 'moja'.

Complete the series English French Hindi Arabic is it Swahili Language Dialect or Countries?


Is Swahili spoken in Liberia?

No, Swahili is not spoken in Liberia, except possibly by immigrants. For the languages of Liberia, click here.

Where does the language Swahili come from?

Swahili originated as a mix of Arabic and Bantu languages along the East African coast. It evolved over centuries through trade and cultural interactions between local Bantu-speaking communities and Arabic traders, resulting in a language that is widely spoken in East Africa today.

Is Swahili a language of love?

Swahili is not specifically known as a "language of love," but it is a beautiful and expressive language that can be used for romantic expressions and communication. Like any language, the way it is used can convey emotions including love.