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Isabella was Queen of Spain. She is the mother of Catherine of Aragon (Henry VIII's first wife) and grandmother of Mary.

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Q: What country did Queen Isabella rule?
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What country did Queen Isabella and king ferdinan rule?


What country did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella rule?


What country did king queen Isabella and King Ferdinand rule?


Where did queen Isabella rule?


When did Queen Isabella 2 rule?

QUeen Isabella II ruled from the year 1833 to 1868

What regions of Spain did Isabella I rule?

Isabella I was Queen of Castile and Leon.

What country is queen Isabella from?

Queen Isabella was the queen of Spain in the 1400's. She is the queen who sent Christopher Columbus on the exploration which led him to America.

Queen of country Columbus sailed for?

Queen Isabella of Spain.

What years did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella rule?

they ruled from 1379 to 1504 :)

What country's king and queen helped Columbus to get his ships?

Spain the queen is queen Isabella and the king is king Ferdinad

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Which Queen Isabella?

Who married Ferdinand and their lands became country of Spain?

Queen Isabella did this.