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U.S. Military Has Killed Up to 238000 Iraqi Civilians ... and it represents an astonishing 2.5 percent of the country's total population. ...

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The United States of America with or without the help of their European friends...

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Q: What country has killed the most civilians?
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What country had the most civilians killed?

Soviet Union

In what country had the most civilians killed during World War 2?

The Soviet Union, the USSR, Russia.

What country did Japan attack in 1937?

China. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians were killed by Japanese troops for recreation.

What was the death toll for soldiers and civilians for world war 1?

The total was 13 million soldiers killed and 17 million civilians killed

According to the chart the Axis power that suffered the most wounded military personnel was .?

Germany suffered the most dead of any Axis country in WW2, losing some 4.3 military killed or missing, plus an estimated 635,000 civilians killed by the Allied bombing raids. There are no reliable records of the wounded.

How many civilians were killed in the spanish civil war?

300,000 civilians killed. 150,000 prisoners of war killed. And 50,000 people died in combat in the 4 year civil war.

What were two largest group of civilians killed by the Nazis?

1. Jews. 2. Russian civilians.

According to the chart the Axis power that suffered the most wounded military personnel was?

Germany suffered the most dead of any Axis country in WW2, losing some 4.3 military killed or missing, plus an estimated 635,000 civilians killed by the Allied bombing raids. There are no reliable records of the wounded.

Vietnam war casualties?

1,000,000 soldiers were killed and 2,000 civilians were killed

What war were the most people killed and wounded combined?

According to wikipedia it was World War 2 with 70 million people killed, most of whom were civilians.

Who was only civilian killed during the civil war?

There were many civilians killed during the Civil War. When Federal forces shelled Atlanta, many civilians were killed, just for one example.

Were any civilians killed at the battle of Waterloo and if so were they listed on the casualty list?

Yes civilians were killed. I have a feeling neither army could be bothered to identify them.