The 347 to 504 unarmed civilians of South Vietnam in the Son Tinh village were killed in cold blood my U.S. soldiers. Some were sexually assaulted, tortured, mutilated, and beaten. The United States civilians greatly motivated the antiwar movement upon hearing of the incident.
Does any one ever win a Battle
* North Korea seizes US Navy ship Pueblo; holds 83 on board as spies (Jan. 23). * North Vietnamese launch the Tet Offensive, a turning point in the Vietnam War (Jan.-Feb.). * American soldiers massacre 347 civilians at My Lai (March 16). Background: Vietnam War. * Czechoslovakia is invaded by Russians and Warsaw Pact forces to crush liberal regime (Aug. 20).For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section indicated below.
facts for this case: chairman for board of director for Zeno Ltd made a contract with Malay contractor named Ahmad.while Ahmad had a contract with Petaling Jaya Authority.Zeno bought all the materials needed by Ahmad for construction of culverts.then,Zeno came to know that Petaling Jaya Authority had cancelled their contract with Ahmad.once Zeno made attempt to sell the materials,they came to know that the materials had been sold to the appellant by Ahmad where Ahmad received part of the payment.main issue here was Ahmad had the right to sold the materials to the appellant? as state in Sale of Good Act under section 27, a person cannot sell or give what he does not have.ahmad said that he was Zeno's partnership but there was no evidence to support, federal court held that the appeal was dismissed with cost.
My Lai
Those figures change, based upon the writer's resources: See website: My Lai Massacre.
Currently, the event is referred to as the My Lai Massacre in the United States and called the Sơn Mỹ Massacre in Vietnam. it was the Vietnam War mass killing of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968.
Although the exact number isn't known, the My Lai Massacre killed somewhere between 347 and 504 civilians, including men, woman, children, and even infants.
On March 16, 1968, the My Lai Massacre occurred during the Vietnam War, where US soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians. The incident sparked outrage and brought attention to the atrocities of the war.
Seymour Hersh was first brought into the limelight for breaking the news on the My Lai Massacre in 1969. This was a tragic story that came out of the Vietnam war of a Lieutenant slaughtering innocent civilians during the war in 1968.
See: My Lai Massacre.
my lai
It wasn't.
On March 16, 1968, My Lai Massacre, Charlie Company, 11th Brigade, is on a "search and destroy" mission in the hamlet of My Lai. Something goes horribly wrong, resulting in violent death for hundreds of unarmed civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. After one and a half years, the officer at My Lai, Lt. William Calley, is brought up on murder charges. News of atrocities at My Lai doesn't reach public media until November 1969. In March 1971, Calley is convicted and sentenced to life; he is paroled in September 1975 after serving three and a half years.