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The EPA is an independent department. Meaning, it has executive power with no real oversite.

Sitting presidents fill the board member vacancies as they arise with senate confirmation. But interfering, limiting power, and removing board members is very difficult. See " FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS" here ...

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Q: What department of government does the EPA fall under?
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What is the name of the federal agency responsible for monitoring air quality?

The EPA is the name of the federal agency responsible for monitoring air quality. EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency.

What are the three biggest independent executive agencies?

Independent agencies- called "independent" because they are not part of the Cabinet. Three types: * Executive agencies- part of a government department that is treated as managerially and budgetarily separate in order to carry out some part of the executive functions * Government corporations- permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of types of agency. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a Department or Ministry, and other types of public body established by government. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character since different types of organization (such as commissions) are normally used for advisory functions, but this distinction is often blurred in practice. * Regulatory commissions- federal agencies that impose regulations but are free of political influence.Ex. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

How are the members of the 'executive branch' elected or appointed to their post?


What are the four basic types of agencies in the federal executive branch?

The vast majority of agencies in the executive branch of the federal government are: Cabinet; independent; commissions; and government corporations. There are currently 15 cabinet agencies. Most of these are vast and diverse with numerous divisions and or bureaus. For example OSHA is in the Department of Labor. These are the largest of government agencies, and are directed by a lead official usually referred to as a secretary. The secretaries are appointed by the president with Senate consent, and they often have a number of assistant and deputy secretaries who are also politically appointed by the president. The independent agencies are similar to the cabinet agencies in that the president appoints a lead administrator, and this person reports to the president. Independent agencies are typically much smaller than cabinet agencies and also have more narrowly defined tasks. The CIA, NASA, and EPA are some of the most well know independent agencies. They are called independent agencies because they are not in a cabinet agency. FEMA was once an independent agency but now is in the Department of Homeland Security, a cabinet agency. Government commissions, often referred to as regulatory commissions, differ from these other agencies in that they have multiple leaders. The SEC has five commissioners, of whom one is appointed chair by the president. All of the commissioners are appointed by the president with Senate consent and they serve for fixed terms. Thus, a new president cannot remove them like he can remove the heads of other agencies. These commissions usually regulate business. Examples include the FCC, and FTC. The fourth type of government organization is government corporations. These organizations may have multiple or single leaders. The Tennessee Valley Authority and Amtrak are examples of government corporations. They are usually part public and part private in that they can issue bond debt to raise their own money for capital projects, and also receive appropriations from the federal government. They engage in what are common marketplace functions like communications, transportation, and energy.

How many executives are there in the executive branch?

One. The President is the executive. You may consider the VP part of the branch as well, but really it consist of the President. The Judiciary Branch is the 9 Supreme Court Justices. Congress makes up the Legislative Branch

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Is falsifying an epa document a felony?

Yes, and it would most likely fall under federal jurisdiction

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What is the Queensland EPA?

The Queensland EPA refers to the Queensland Environmental Protection Agency. This was the former name of what is now the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. This is the government agency responsible for management of the environment, sustainability, wildlife and ecosystems, and the heritage of the state of Queenaland.

What agency or department enforces the Clean Water Act?

The EPA.

What government agency monitor air quality?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)EPA

Who formed EPA and NASA?

The EPA and NASA were formed as executive agencies for the US government.

What are two government agencies that track chemical use?

Two government agencies that track chemical use are the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). EPA regulates the use of chemicals in the environment, while OSHA focuses on workplace safety and health regulations regarding chemical exposure.

Which of these is not part of the Department of the Interior?

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

What government agency regulates toxic household products?

the EPA.

The Government Agency that was created to protect your natural resources is?


Does the EPA hire government scientists?

Yes, the EPA does in fact hire government scientists. The EPA consists of 17,000 employees in headquarters program offices, 27 labs, and 10 regional offices throughout the United States. At least 50% of the EPA's employees include engineers, scientists, and those who specialize in environmental protection.

What government policy was created to clean up air and water pollution?