Washington served as president of the constitutional convention and became the first president in 1789. He knew as the first president that what he did would be copied by others, so he made careful decisions that would shape the new country. One of the things he warned about was the power of political parties. He felt that the party would become more important than the common good of the country. If you think about it that is just is what happened in modern America. Washington is worth reading on his views of government.
George Washington
George WashingtonGeorge Washington
George Washington was nominated to lead the continental army on Jun 15, 1775.
NovaNet Answer: Washington was an experienced officer.
yes George Washington was a veteran. he was the commander in chief of the continental army
George Washington
George Washington...
George WashingtonGeorge Washington
George Washington
George Washington.
George Washington
George Washington
Continental Army
George Washington
George Washington
George Washington.
George Washington was famous because he lead the first continental army during the Revolutionary War.