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It means friend or allies.

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Q: What did the Caddo Indian word Tayshas mean?
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What does tayshas mean?

The Tayshas Reading List takes its name from the Caddo Indian word meaning "friends or allies". It is a high school reading list from the Tayshas program. The objective of the Tayshas project is to motivate young adults to become life-long readers and to participate in the community of readers in Texas.

What does the word Texas mean?

Texas or Tejas was the Spanish pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word translated to mean "friends" or "allies".

Which state name came from caddo Indian word meaning friends?

Texas The word, Texas, or Tejas, was the Spanish pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word meaning "friends" or "allies."

Which state's name came from a Caddo Indian word meaning friends?

Texas The word, Texas, or Tejas, was the Spanish pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word meaning "friends" or "allies."

What does azle mean in caddo Indian language?

Whatever language that is, it is certainly not Caddo. The Caddo language has no "z" "l" or "e" so there can be no such word with those sounds.Caddo is limited to just 19 consonants and 3 vowels (a, u and i).

What is Texas state motto is?

Friendship. The word Texas is from a Caddo Indian word "teyshas", meaning "friends" or "allies".

Who named our state Texas?

"Texas" comes from the Caddo Indian word tejas, which means "friends".

What does the word caddo mean?

It could be referring to a person that is a member of any of several North American Indian tribes formerly located in Arkansas, Louisiana, and eastern Texas, and now living in Oklahoma.

How do you pronounce the word caddo?

The word "caddo" is pronounced as "KAH-doh."

How did Texas gets its name?

The state name originates from the Caddo Indian word "taysha" meaning "friends" or "allies." 'Texas' comes from the Caddo Indian tribe. The Spanish Conquistadors encountered the Caddo Indians around 1540 in the area of East Texas. The Caddos referred to the Spanish as "tayshas," which meant "friend" or "allies." The Spanish translation was "tejas." The Americans converted it to "Texas." In Spanish, the sh sound is usually represented by j, h, or x. Bexar County, Texas, is properly pronounced Bay-HAR, though these days it's usually pronounced like the aspirin. The Spanish spelled Texas as Tejas, Tehas, and Texas but pronounced it TAY-hahs. Spanish vowels are pronounced ah, ay, ee, oh, and oo. There are no long or short vowels in Spanish. Americans, seeing the word spelled T-E-X-A-S and not knowing that in Spanish an X is not pronounced as such--it's pronounced 'ekkes'--pronounced the word in English as it was spelled.

What does the Indian word nkweniss mean?

the indian word nkweniss means grandson

Does arguijo mean Indian?

No, the word arguijo does not mean Indian. The word actually means Spanish and is a popular name in the culture.