focused on government and education what do they call these person?
All government types have the ability to become "cruel" or "unjust" commonly the term used is "Tyranny" but there have also been many other terms.
They aren't levels. They are branches. And the three branches of government are : Legislative, Exectutive, and Judicial.
The people have the opportunity to vote leaders in and out of government. However, to get rid of a government overall would call for some sort of revolution or coup.
The Constotution should be the government's policy but Pres.Obama ( or should I even call him president) is the one of the factors that effects the policy of the government.
They call it deadly force, but if you resist with a deadly weapon and you have committed a serious crime and they find you, they can.
a crime
The best response here is surely none; let the call go to voicemail.
Australia is a federation of what we call states. each of these is like a country n its own right with its own constitution and sovereignty. so the states of Australia are its country's when a decision is made in the Federal government the states interests are represented by the senators in the senate.
A person who commits a crime is known as a criminal.
Anything found at a crime scene is considered evidence.
the suspect
a witness
Someone who loves to read crime novels can be called a "mystery enthusiast" or a "crime fiction aficionado."