Broadside means the side of a ship where all the cannons and are. Broadside can also refer to the side of a ship that is above water. When a ship lets loose all cannon power, the ship receiving the blow is said to be broadsided.
broadside, a large sheet of paper printed on one side only, often containing a song or, and sold by wandering pedlars in Britain from the 16th century until the beginning of the 20th century, when they were superseded by mass‐circulation newspapers; they also appeared in the USA in the late 19th century. The broadside ballads were intended to be sung to a well‐known tune; often they related topical events, and some were adopted as Broadsides are sometimes called broadsheets
Sometihing part of the USA
July 9, 1776 -- Washington orders that the Declaration of Independence be read before the American army in New York -- from his personal copy of the "Dunlap Broadside."
Some copies are called "broadsides", one sheet printings of large documents. When the Congress adopted the final form of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, it went to a printer named Charles Dunlap, who printed several copies which were to be distributed to the states and armies. That copy had only John Hancock and Charles Thomson's (the Secretary of Congress) signatures. After the engrossed version was made and finally signed by most of the delegates another printing was done in another broadside, this time by Mary Katherine Goddard. There are several copies of Dunlap Broadsides and Goddard Broadsides still in existence.
doesit mean anything It is believed to mean: The Bends Place.
The opposite of broadside is narrowside.
Broadside - Transformers - was created in 1988.
Sings for Broadside was created in 1976.
The Broadside Ballads was created in 2011.
Broadside, as a noun, was used as a naval term to mean either all the guns on one side of a warship, or the nearly simultaneous firing of all of these guns (as a naval combat manoever).
To broadside something means to hit it on the side, or to fire at it while it turns sideways. If you broadside someone in a car, it means you hit the side of their car. Broadside has various meanings and verbiage depending on how it is used.
John Dunlop may have invented broadside printing. He printed the first account of George Washington crossing the Delaware in the broadside printing method.
1. The truck came around the corner and hit my car broadside. 2. He is such a poor shot, he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.
Broadside - 1964 was released on: USA: 20 September 1964
That's one of a number of possible meanings for this word. The root meaning is an explosion.
It is called a 'broadside' when all the guns from fore to aft of a warship are fired simultaneously in one direction.
Broadside - 2009 TV was released on: USA: 29 October 2009 (Cambridge, Massachusetts)