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Q: What does it mean to have the government ruling over the people without the people being able to have a say?
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How did the Social Contract influence the Declaration of Independence?

The Government shall only do the stuffs that will be good for its people and the people will choose the government and if government is not doing right, people have the right to throw the government.

The national government cannot spend money without proper legislation why is it important?

The American government cannot spend taxpayer money without legislation because the legislation keeps the government in check and helps to keep a record of what is being spent. Without these records, Congress could spend money on whatever it wanted to, without having to answer to anyone.

How do you help freedom of the press?

Thomas Jefferson said of the Press, "The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate for a moment to prefer the latter."In order to maintain a free Press, the Press must be given liberties by the government. This is seen in the Bill of Rights, Article the Third (Amendment I):"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

How is consolidated government a threat to the original spirit of America according to Henry?

A consolidated government is not sensitive to any liberty being taken away from the people. There is a lack of energy from the people needed to maintain a healthy repulbic. Consolidated government goes against a republic: the federal government is taking away state power. Instead of saying "we the people", we should say "we the states" because the people should be represented in large bodies.

How is a consolidated government a threat to the original spirit of America according to Henry?

A consolidated government is not sensitive to any liberty being taken away from the people. There is a lack of energy from the people needed to maintain a healthy repulbic. Consolidated government goes against a republic: the federal government is taking away state power. Instead of saying "we the people", we should say "we the states" because the people should be represented in large bodies.

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Why was there a war in 1753?

The people were being taxed without any say in the government

How is the government like a contract between two people?

It's because Americas government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Without the citizens of the U.S there couldn't be a government, because we have the right to vote for our leaders.

What is democracy in Malaysian?

Malaysia has fake a democratic system. Only the ruling party get air time and the opposision are constantly vilified in all local papers. He who challenges the ruling government is placed under arrest by the ISA without any justification. All that is said is that he/she is a 'public threat' or it is being done for the safety of the detainee. Yes the people can vote any which way but the ruling government almost always win because the opposision basically have no voice as the media completely boycotts them and only propagates the ruling party's political agenda. Democracy in Malay, the country's national language, is Demokrasi. Just a slight change in spelling.

What does''no taxation without representation''mean for kids?

It means a government does not have the right to tax a group of people without them being represented in the government.Read more: What_does_the_statement_no_taxation_without_representation_mean

Settlement of people living in new area while being ruled by government of another country?

This scenario is known as a colony. Colonies are established when people settle in a new area that is under the rule of a government from another country. The settlers may be subject to the laws and regulations of the ruling government while living in the colony.

What government did the Aztec have?

The Aztec kings were not only responsible for ruling the country, but they were also responsible for being high priests. So the form of government they had was a theocratic monarchy.

Why did some people protest the ruling in Roe v Wade?

Some people protested the ruling in Roe v. Wade because they believe that abortion is morally wrong and that it violates the rights of unborn children. They also argue that the decision should be left to individual states to decide rather than being determined by the federal government.

What are examles of the 1st amendment?

Letting a newspaper write a story without being questioned by the government, starting a petition without questions, or letting people practice any religion they so wish.

What did taxation without representitation mean?

Being taxed by a government which had no parliamentary representatives of those being taxed.

How do you chat with people on the Xbox without being on the Xbox?

If you chat with people on the xbox without being on the xbox then you are not on the xbox so can't chat with people on the xbox

How did ancient Egyptian government affect its people?

it affected the Government by being run by the Pharaoh

What is the government were citizens rule?

a democracy is a government in which the people vote on the decisions being made.