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This was during the progressive era. This citizens of this state wanted to see some changes come about for them.

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Q: What era were the California initiative and the recall instituted in?
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What are the voting reforms recall initiative and referendum are associated with what era?

Progressive era

Which four reforms were instituted during the progressive era to give voters more power?

1. the initiative which gave voters the right to put a bill before a state legislature 2. The referendum which allowed voters to put a bill on a ballot and vote it into a law

Federal income tax Direct election of senators Child labor laws Initiative Referendum and recall were enacted during which Era?

The Progressive Era.

What was the basic principles behind the expanded use of the recall the initiative and the referendum during the progressive era?

The basic principle behind the recall the initiative during the progressive era was to give citizens more say in how local government is run. This can be still be done today if citizens are not happy with new laws.

What was the basic principle behind the expanded use of the recall initiative and the referendum during the progressive Era?

The basic principle behind the recall the initiative during the progressive era was to give citizens more say in how local government is run. This can be still be done today if citizens are not happy with new laws.

What was the basic principle behind the expanded use of the recall the initiative and the referendum during the Progressive Era?

The basic principle behind the recall the initiative during the progressive era was to give citizens more say in how local government is run. This can be still be done today if citizens are not happy with new laws.

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How did the initiative idea function during the progressive era?

The Progressive Movement marked an era of political activism. ... The Progressive Movement & Mechanisms for Increased Political Participation ... The Progressives accomplished this goal by introducing several new procedures that allowed the ... Once the initiative is placed on a ballot, it will be offered for a public vote.

What were the most significant political reforms at the local and state level?

Several political reforms took place at the state level during the Progressive Era. These included the secret ballot which ensures privacy during the voting process, initiative which allows citizens to petition their legislators, the referendum, the recall and the direct primary.

What is the tiger initiative in health care reform?

The TIGER Initiative aims to enable practicing nurses and nursing students to fully engage in the unfolding digital electronic era in healthcare. The purpose of the initiative is to identify information/knowledge management best practices and effective technology capabilities for nurses.

What country both created opera and instituted the baroque era?

Italy For more information visit

What political reform of the progressive era allows people to vote on proposed legislation?

Recall election