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New Mexico is known for its large size. The four states that are larger are California, Alaska, Texas, and Montana.

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Q: What four states are larger than New Mexico?
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How do states with smaller populations have more electoral votes then larger states?

Because they have more people that were born in the United States living there. You can't vote if you weren't born in the United States. Because they have more people that were born in the United States living there. You can't vote if you weren't born in the United States. The larger state probably has more people that was not born in that state than the smaller state that has born citizens so that's why its more electoral than the larger state.

In general what do you notice about the states in the western part of the US versus the states in the eastern part?

In general, states in the western part of the United States are larger than states in the eastern part.

Is Russia the same size of America?

In land area Russia is larger than the United States

What was the Mexican cession about?

The "Mexican Cession" was the vast area of land constituting most of the present Southwest United States, from California eastward to New Mexico. The lands were ceded to the US in 1848 under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). The cession amounted to more than 1/3 of the total area of pre-war Mexico, including all or part of the current US states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The US settlement to Mexico totalled $18.5 million. Five years later, the US purchased a much smaller disputed border area for $10 million in the Gadsden Purchase.

Who would have been happier with their representation in the house small states or large states and why?

Unlike the Senate where every state receives two representatives, House representation is based on state population. So, more populated states would receive more representatives than less populated states.

Related questions

What is the tow states that border of Mexico?

There are more than two states that border Mexico, four do. California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

Is US larger land than Mexico?

Areas Mexico: 1,972,550 km2 United States: 9,826,675 km2

What are the four states younger than Oklahoma?

New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii.

What country is larger US Canada or Mexico?

Canada is larger than both the US and Mexico.

Is Mexico larger that the US?

No, Mexico is about 1/4 the area of the USA

Does Canada or Mexico have a greater population?

Mexico's population is almost four times larger than Canada's:Mexico: 114.98 millionCanada: 34.3 millionBoth figures are estimates for July 2012.

Which has more land a country or state?

A country because on a map Mexico and Canada which are countries are way larger than the states.

Is Mexico the largest southern country?

No. Brazil and Argentina are larger than Mexico.

What is larger china or US?

The United States is larger in terms of land area than China, but China has a larger population than the United States.

Is Australia bigger then Mexico?

Yes, the land area of Australia is larger than that of Mexico.

Does Canada have more population then united states?

No, the U.S. has a far larger population, although Canada is bigger in land area. This is because Canada has a low population for a country of its size.

Is antarctica smaller or larger than the US of America?

Antarctica. The USA has a land area of about 9,363,130 sq km. Antarctica is a continent of approximately 14,000,000 sq km.