In English usage, a padre is a military clergyman or a Roman Catholic or Anglican priest.
Migel Hidalgo y Costilla
Most words in these languages have Latin roots; that is why they both are called 'Roman languages'. But 'père' and 'padre'(father) come from the Latin 'pater' and 'mère' and 'madre' (mother) from the Latin 'mater'. 'Cohabiter' and 'cohabitan' (living together) comes from the Latin '' cohabitare'. And the list goes on.
Yes, "padre" is a masculine noun in Spanish.
Padre Baloneiro was born in 1966.
No, Padre Pio was a priest.
The population of Padre Hurtado is 38,768.
Flying Padre was created in 1951.
Arroio do Padre's population is 2,882.
Arroio do Padre was created in 1996.
Puerto Padre's population is 93,705.
Puerto Padre was created in 1541.
Padre Baloneiro died in 2008.
Padre Apeles is 182 cm.
Padre Fontes was born in Portugal.