

What is a salient issue?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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How important an issue is to the public

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Q: What is a salient issue?
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What is an abridged prospectus?

Abridged Prospectus means the memorandum as prescribed in Form 2A under sub-section (3) of section 56 of the Companies Act, 1956. It contains all the salient features of a prospectus. It accompanies the application form of public issues.

What is the definition of a position issue?

A position issue is an issue that different parties disagree on, as opposed to a valence issue, which is an issue that the electorate generally all takes one side on.

What is issue voting?

The idea that voters' decisions are largely determined by the issues at stake in the election. Before survey-research, most writers assumed that issue voting was the norm in democratic elections (although there have always been sceptics, from marquis-de-condorcetto joseph-schumpeter, who denied this-Schumpeter even denying that it ought to be). The first surveys of the determinants of voting showed that habit and party identification played leading roles, and issue voting almost none, as most voters knew nothing at all about many of the issues discussed by politicians and journalists during elections. Since the late 1960s issue voting has enjoyed a modest revival. This is due partly to the influence of rational-choice theory on election studies, and partly to the recognition that the politics in the United States in the 1950s-when the most influential surveys of the party identification school were done-were unusually bland and consensual. When 'issues' are restricted to 'issues which are salient to the electorate', it can be shown that issue voting plays quite a prominent role in a typical election. The other main determinant is retrospective voting, or evaluation of the party (team) currently in office. Here voters must compare the performance of the government with the promises of the opposition, a comparison which most voters are well aware is lopsided.Read more: issue-voting

What is key issue?

A key issue is a problem that is very important to what it is relating to.

What became a problem when the Ming government failed to issue enough copper coins?

When the Ming government failed to issue enough copper coins, counterfeiting became an issue.

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What is the Dutch word for salient?

salient = saillant, it means striking.

What are the salient features of a lyric?

Finding salient features of a lyric is easy. The salient is changes in the economy and government.

Write a sentence using salient?

It was a lengthy discussion, the salient point of which was that we need to be more careful to avoid electrocution.

What is salient others?

Salient means important. Salient others is the social importance that others have on influencing your beliefs. Salient others include mother, father, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse and friends.

How do you use both word in appropriate place silent and salient?

how to use both word in appropriate place silent and salient. how to use both word in appropriate place silent and salient. how to use both word in appropriate place silent and salient. how to use both word in appropriate place silent and salient.

What is salient features of MS Word 2000?

What is salient features of MS Word

How to use salient in a sentence?

The vast majority of the regiment were killed in the Ypres' salient.

What are the salient features of verbal and written communication?

salient frature of written communication

How many poles as salient pole rotor?

'Salient' means 'sticking out', so if the pole sticks up from the rotor shaft, then it is a salient pole machine.

What is salient pole construction details?

'Salient' means to 'stick out', so salient poles stick out from the machine's shaft, as opposed to shafts which are slotted to contain its windings.

Another sentence with salient?

The most salient and principle point of the article was that the economy was not good.