a sentence for tories
what is a sentence for nonentity?
A Declarative sentence states a statement!
"I am looking forward to seeing you." Is a correct sentence.
To have ascendancy means to have a position of power. An example sentence is: The ascendancy comes with a lot of stress.
That dastardly pirate was the scourge of the seven seas.
i was canned with a Scourge. scourge is used to whip animals.
To scourge someone is an awful punishment.
To scourge someone is to whip someone and scourge used as a noun means something destructive. An example sentence of it used as a verb is: In ancient times, criminals were scourged at a post as punishment. An example sentence using scourge as a noun is: He was the scourge of the company, always causing mayhem and sacrificing profits.
"As punishment for crimes, Romans would scourge the offenders in public." "The new police chief became the scourge of local drug dealers."
the scourge is hot like fire and ice baby. The above gibberish notwithstanding: A scourge is a whip used for punishment, though the word may also mean anything used to punish severely.
the character of scourge is depicted as a grouch who doesn't like Christmas.
scourge is to whip.
When will medical science conquer the scourge of cancer? In what year did the Spanish allegedly conquer the Aztecs?
Scourge- A cause of affliction or calamity.
The World Health Organisation gives priority to eradicating the scourge of malaria, caused by the bite from a female mosquito.
Scourge and Tigerpaw/Tigerstar