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Q: What is a true statement that follows from other true statements?
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What is a true statement that follows as a result of other true statements?

The statement is a corollary.

What is biconditional statement?

A bi-conditional statement is one which says that if any one of two statements is true, the other is true, too. It generally takes the form, X is true if and only if Y is true, or X is equivalent to Y, where X and Y are simpler statements.

What statement is NOT true about polymers?

Lots of statements are not true about polymers.

What statement about novels is true?

Lots of statements about novels are true.

What statement about polymers is true?

Lots of statements are not true about polymers.

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Lots of statements about animals are true.

What statement about Johannes Gutenberg is true?

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How do you use a chain of conditional statements?

You start with the first or outermost IF statement. If that is true then you follow the "instruction" that follows and if not, you follow the instruction that follows at the same level of brackets/parentheses. Either or both of these instruction may IF (ie conditional) statements. You simply follow them down the line.

What statement executes a group of statements only if a certain condition is true?

The if statement.

What is circular logic?

Circular logic would be a statement or series of statements that are true because of another statement, which is true because of the first. For example, statement A is true because statement B is true. Statement B is true because statement A is true

Why are the statements in the body of a loop called conditionally executed statements?

These statements are called conditionally executed statements because the may or may not be executed. They will be executed while the boolean (true/false) statement in the beginning of the loop is true, but will not be executed when statement is false.

What statement about the Prohibition era is true?

None of the statements that are offered for consideration are true.