No, a fair bit of items were made by mistakes but not everything was made by a mistake.
Chocolate is made in Hershey, Pennsalvania
Hornbooks were made from hairs of animals
The flute was made about 3000 years ago, But the first one was made in the 1830sdone by cklein
Persian rugs are made in Iran.
Places manufacturing headcheese are covered in SIC 2013
SIC 2013 covers places manufacturing headcheese
headcheese is called 'du fromage de tête' or 'du pâté de tête' in French.
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The cast of HeadCheese - 2003 includes: Henrique Couto Leah Dunevant Stephanie Haywood Charlotte Kinnison Brittany Ladd Jared Patton Tony Waite Moriah Yux
The consumption of meat from the head of an animal is common to many cultures, though it seems that it was especially prevalent in Europe.
that means there wasn't enough colagen in the meat and bones. add pork gelatin and repack. next time use more bones and reduce fluid...
Products include bologna, bacon, corned beef, frankfurters (except poultry), headcheese, luncheon meat, pigs' feet, sandwich spreads, stew, pastrami, and hams (except poultry). Prepared meat plants operated by packinghouses as separate establishments are
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was remade a couple years ago with the same name. - wjs1632 -
There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is limited information about George Washington's personal preferences in regards to smoked meat. However, it is known that he enjoyed a variety of meats, including ham, beef, and game meats such as venison. It is possible that he may have enjoyed smoked versions of these meats.
Moriah Yux has: Performed in "HeadCheese" in 2003. Played Specula (segment "Songs in the Key of Satan") in "Faces of Schlock Vol. 2" in 2005. Played Moyrah (segment "Diagnoses Terror") in "Faces of Schlock" in 2005. Played Guitarist in "Zombie Punk Attack" in 2011. Played George in "Depression: The Movie" in 2012.
Some of my best recipes are ones I've made up or changed from others' recipes I've tried. Quite a few recipes I've made come from old (50- 150 years old) cookbooks, which I've then had to modify to get consistent results. For instance many old recipes give no times or temperatures beyond "in a warm oven, until done", and measurements are often confusing such as "a good measure of...", "a teacupful", or a "dinnerspoonful". And ingredients can confuse as well, such as "graham flour" (whole wheat), "force-meat" (potted meats, minced meats, or pates) [SPAM, bologna, liverwurst and headcheese are all force-meats], or "sweet breads" (Thymus gland of an animal) Modifying these recipes, often by trial and error, yields a more satisfying and reproducible recipe. Of course knowledge of basic recipes and cooking techniques can help in generating very good recipes.