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To accuse a judge of a crime is called impeachment. If an official is found guilty of a crime they can be impeached and removed from their appointment.

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Prudence Stiedemann

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To accuse a judge of a crime is called impeachment. If an official is found guilty of a crime they can be impeached and removed from their appointment.

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Q: What is it called to accuse a judge of a crime?
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To accuse a judge of a crime?


Can a business send a police out to issue a warrant for your arrest?

Yes and no. A business can accuse you of a crime, just as an individual can accuse you of a crime, but they cannot issue an arrest warrant without a judge. It depends on the business and how much pull they have with the local law.

What is it called to accuse a politician of a crime?

i dont know if u remove him from office it is called impeach

A group that determines whether to accuse someone of a crime is a group called what?

That group is called the grand jury.

What word mean to accuse?

The word "incriminate" means to accuse someone of a crime or wrongdoing.

What is the process called when a president of judge is accused of a crime?


Examples of the word accuse in a sentence?

I accuse you of taking up my time to answer this question! I can be argued that to accuse him of a crime he did not commit would be wrong.

What is it called to formally accuse someone of a crime?

ImpeachmentThe House of Representatives has the sole authority to impeach (accuse) an official on charges of misconduct in office (called articles of impeachment).

Who are the people that accuse people of a crime?

usually the people that they steal or do a crime to but the police always have there say

Is it right to accuse a person of a wrongful act if you where not there to witness the crime?


Can a police officer question a 5 yr old on a school bus and accuse him of a crime.?

Yes, he can. And, define what YOU mean by "accuse."

What is meant by the word accuse?

The word "accuse" means "to charge a person with a crime or claim that a person has done something wrong". If you accuse someone of something, you are implicating that they have done something wrong.