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its not always there

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Q: What is non permanent ice mean?
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Related questions

What is Nonpermanent ice?

Nonpermanent ice refers to ice that exists for shorter periods of time, such as seasonal ice or ice that forms and melts within a short timeframe. This can include ice on lakes, rivers, or coastal areas that forms during colder months and melts as temperatures rise. Nonpermanent ice is distinct from permanent ice features like glaciers.

What type of Arctic Ice surrounds the North Pole permanent sea ice seasonal ice or permanent land ice?

Seasonal ice (Seasonal permafrost)

What is the name of permanent ice underground?

ice machine

Is there non permanent hair color?

There is permanent hair color and semi-permanent hair color. _____________ Demi permanent and temporary are also known as non permanent hair color.

What is the differences between permanent tattoo and non permanent tattoo?

The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.

When was Non-Permanent Active Militia created?

Non-Permanent Active Militia was created in 1867.

When did Non-Permanent Active Militia end?

Non-Permanent Active Militia ended in 1940.

How would you match these cold climate zones tundra ice cap nonpermanent ice highlands to its characteristic the coldest climates freeze-thaw cycles grasslands and ice closer to the equator?

tundra: grasslands ice cap: coldest climate Non-permanent ice: freeze-thaw cycles highlands: ice closer to the equator

What percentage of ice is in Antarctica?

Antarctica's ice sheet holds about 90% of the earth's store of permanent ice.

Where is the first permanent ice bar located?

The first permanent ice bar is located in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden. It is called the ICEHOTEL and is made entirely of ice and snow, including the bar itself.

Do non permanent tattoos hurt?


Where is there permanent ice in Africa?

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro