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Make known the type of government they expect.

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Q: What is one way Thoreau encourages people to show their disapproval of the government?
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What does Henry David Thoreau mean By following metaphor?

That the government is a toy that the people play with

What is David Thoreau's '' Resistance to civil Government'' about?

The role the government should play in people's lives

Thoreau thinks that if people want a better government they should?

Change the one they have.

At the end of resistance of civil government what does Henry Thoreau conclude about the government?

That it has not done enough to truly represent the people

How does Thoreau use a parallelism in this passage?

To draw attention to what the American people do that the government doesn't

At the end of resistance to civil government what does Henry David Thoreau conclude the government?

That it has not done enough to truly represent the people

What does Henry Thoreau believe people should do when they think a law is unfair?

Ignore it and distance themselves from the government

What does Thoreau mean when he writes Government is at best an expedient but most governments are usually and all governments are sometimes inexpedient?

Thoreau means that government is a necessary evil but in practice many governments are ineffective or counterproductive. He argues that people should question the legitimacy of government actions when they contradict moral principles or individual conscience. Thoreau emphasizes the importance of individual judgment and civil disobedience in holding government accountable.

What topic is Henry David Thoreau's Resistance to Civil Government primarily about?

The role the government should play in people's lives

Which statement would henry david thoreau most agree with?

the american people are generally wiser than the government

About which statement does Thoreau say he believes people have thought too hastily meaning Thoreau explicitly disagrees with it?

Thoreau explicitly disagrees with the statement, "That government is best which governs least." He believes this view is a hasty generalization and oversimplification of the role of government in society, advocating instead for thoughtful and deliberate consideration of the functions and responsibilities of government.

Who said - The government is best which governs least?

The quote "The government is best which governs least" is attributed to Henry David Thoreau, an American essayist and philosopher, known for his writings on civil disobedience and individualism. Thoreau believed in minimal interference from the government in the lives of the people.