A person who holds power over a political region or constituency is a political boss. This person can affect how people vote and who is nominated.
Boss Tweed
No. This is a private matter and you do not have to tell anyone.
Through political corruption and "honest" graft
Political machines controlled the activities of political parties in the city. Ward bosses, precinct captains, and the city boss worked to ensure that their candidates were elected and that city government worked to their advantage.
Thomas Nast worked to expose the illegal activities of William "Boss" Tweed.
Tom Dennison - political boss - was born in 1859.
"Boss" Tweed
Tom Dennison - political boss - died in 1934-02.
i was
he was a political guy
George Washington Plunkitt was an urban political boss who defended "honest graft."
tammany hall
A ward boss is the leader of the political machine, in a particular area (ward) of the city.
william "Boss" tweed
political machine
The cast of The Political Boss - 1914 includes: Carlyle Blackwell as Tom Nash - Newspaper Editor John Francis Dillon as Nonpareil Jones - Printer Raymond Hadley as Owl Jackson - Political Boss James Neill as Judge Moore
Actually, a muckraker refers to a journalist or writer who investigates and exposes societal issues, corruption, and scandals to bring about social and political change. A machine boss, on the other hand, was a political boss in charge of a political machine that controlled votes and influenced elections in the past.