Berserks were Norse warriors who wore coats of bear skin called bear-sark and who were commonly understood to have fought in an uncontrollable rage or trance of fury
No, the cat was not killed. The Frank family actually left a note for the neighbors that basically asked them to take care of the cat. To Otto's suprise, when he visited the house after liberation, the cat was well taken care of.
his name was nyan cat and he said "a cat"
A dog and a cat
I believe it is "chama"
The Norse word for archer is "bogi" or "skytta."
The Norse word for farmer is "bóndi."
The Norse word for song is "ljóð" or "kvæði."
The word for grandfather in Old Norse is "afi."
veiðimaðr is old Norse for huntsman
The Old English/Norse word and the Modern English word are one in the same; hell=hell.
Norse is a word referring to the Scandinavian races.
Miðgarðr In English, it's called Midgard.
the word 'Norse' would be capitalised, but not 'mythology'.
The Vikings spoke Old Norse and the Old Norse word for beast is dýr.
The old Norse is 'mara incubus', which refers to an evil spirit visiting people whilst they are asleep