the anserw is two. because absolute value mean the amount away from 0 and two is two numbers away from zero.
The value of a 1996 2 Dollar Bill is approximately $2. Their low value is due to the large number produced and wide availability.
The number of electors required to win the presidency in the United States is 270 (as of 2014). The candidate has to receive the absolute majority of the votes.
individual freedom is a absolute right
They had an Absolute Despotism. This is when one called the "despot" rules with absolute power.
In an absolute monarchy ordinary people have to be uncomplaining, loyal and obedient subjects.
The absolute value of 15 is 15. The absolute value of any positive number is the number itself. The absolute value of any negative number is the number times -1. For example: What is the absolute value of 10? Answer: 10. Example #2: What is the absolute value of -2? Answer: 2.
The numbers that have an absolute value of 2 are -2 and 2. Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero on the number line, so both -2 and 2 are 2 units away from zero in opposite directions. The absolute value of a number is always positive, so the absolute value of -2 is also 2.
No, the absolute value of a number cannot equal a negative number.
The absolute value of a number is the positive (or non-negative) value of the number. The absolute value of 0 or a positive number is the number itself. The absolute value of a negative number is its positive equivalent.
The absolute value of a number is a positive number. For example the absolute value of -2 is 2. The absolute value of 4 is 4. So the absoulte value of 25 is 25.
The absolute value of a number is the number without any sign. |-3| = 3 and |2| = 2.
On a number line does 2 or - 2 represent the absolute value of -2?
The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero. 2 and -2 are both the same distance from 0, they are 2 away. Therefore, |-2| = 2, and |2| = 2.
It is one and one fourth. Absolute value just means how far the number is from 0, so even if the number is negative, for example -2, it is only 2 numbers away from 0. So the absolute value of -2 is 2. TIP: Absolute value = same number, NEVER negative.
Other than for the value 0, there are always two numbers that have the same absolute value: the number and the negative of the number, eg 2 and -2 both have the absolute value 2. There is no negative 0, so there is only the number 0 which has the absolute value 0.
The absolute value of any negative number is equal to the corresponding positive value. In this instance, abs (-2) = 2.