A social system is a characteristic network of interdependent human patterns -- relationships, structures, stories, practices, and institutions -- that shape the lives and consciousness of the people in a society.
it is Historical setting
Government by definition is coercion.Government is characterized by a monopoly of the legitimate use of force to create the social order it wants.
what is meant by the term identity politics
is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological and political changes seen as increasing interdependence and interaction between people and companies in disparate locations.
he term collective identity may refer to a variety of concepts. In general however, these concepts generally pertain to phenomena where an individuals perceived membership in a social group impacts upon their own identity in some way.
Personal Identity is the personal characteristics of someone that makes them a person at any given time under the definition of personhood.
A society is a group of humans or other organisms of a single species that is delineated by the bounds of cultural identity, social solidarity, functional interdependence, or eusociality.source: Wiki
social identity
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Identity refers to one's personal sense of self, including individual characteristics and beliefs. Social identity, on the other hand, involves identifying with a particular social group and deriving one's sense of self from that group membership. Social identity can shape how individuals perceive themselves in relation to others and influence their behavior in group settings.
Social identity refers to the part of a person's self-concept that comes from their membership in a particular social group, such as nationality or religion. Personal identity, on the other hand, is specific to the individual and encompasses their unique characteristics, values, and experiences. While social identity is shaped by external factors and group memberships, personal identity is more internal and reflective of an individual's self-perception.
four mom
multiplication identity means when any number times one it will be itself.
social identity
Personal identity
Social identity