branch is subdivision of a company it is a geographical classification while a department is a classification based on activities(goods). a branch activity can be classifiede based on goods
department of defense
No. It is a part of the Executive Branch.
The Executive Department thru the Department of Education
The state of Illinois legislative branch makes laws for the state of Illinois. The legislative branch of the United States make laws for the federal government (the U.S.).
The Department of Corrections falls under the Judicial Branch of government in the US.
A branch is a unit and a department is the sub unit in an organization. when we talk in terms of a branch we mean the accounting methodologies in respect of the unit consisting of all the departments working under it.
there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics. there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics.
a branch is still connected to the tree and a stick is not
The State Department deals with diplomacy while the Department of Defense affiliated with the military.
There are three branches of government: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. The Department of Justice belongs to the executive branch.
Their the same only that judiciary is written Spanish.
a department store sells clothing and a supermarket sells food
There's no difference their both under the Department of the Navy.
branch mean branch direct to main office control but franchise is associate (dealer ship) method.
A branch is a sub set of department. A division is a multiple departments. A division is controlling and responsible of multiple departments. A department is controlling responsible of multiple branches and sections. A branch is controlling and responsible of multiple sections. This structure is compatible to be using for all purpose of businesses. Military, Army, companies, hospitals, organizations, and governments etc. Eng. Fahad Khail
department of defense
Nothing. Quantum is a branch of physics