perimeter defense a defense without an exposed flank, consisting of forces deployed along the perimeter of the defended area. Soldiers in a squad make a circular perimeter but the meaning has some more. Nations have a defensive perimeter like the United STates wich on north has Alaska in the east Puerto Rico and in the west Hawaii. Computer science has it's own definition for defensive perimeter also.
behaviors ; culture
They tended to settle along great lakes.
They didnt
Sam Rayburn You're in ROADS, too?
Yes, a sprinter running along a straight track exhibits rectilinear motion because their motion occurs in a straight line along the track without any deviation.
you guys dont know me eitherA translationTranslationA translation is movement of a figure to a new position along a straight line.
No they aren't. They both run on different tracks because of this :-)
People walk on train tracks for different reasons. Some people walk on tracks because it's a shorter distance to get where they are going. Some people may walk on train tracks because they enjoy the quietness of the paths that the train runs along. We used to walk the tracks when I was a teenager because we picked the raspberries that grew along the train path.
Thomas the Train Take and Play (formerly called Take Along) trains do not fit Trackmaster tracks. They also don't fit the wooden tracks. They have the narrowest wheel base and so far, I've found that they only fit the Take and Play tracks. Why the company won't make tracks like the wooden tracks(so that the tracks can be built), I don't know. Wish they would!
You have a big a$$
Magnetic levitation tracks are built by installing a series of electro magnets along a track. Power is the fed to the magnets which allow the train to ride above the rails and move along at great speeds.
Antiparallel forces are forces that act in opposite directions along the same line of action. This means that the forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. In a free-body diagram, antiparallel forces are typically represented using arrows pointing in opposite directions along a straight line.
iron ingots along sides, and stick in the middle
why should you not play on railroad tracks? uhh. heres a good one. if a train comes passing by and your walkin along the tracks, BOOM! your dead. and you didnt even see it comin now did ya?
A problem in motion along a straight line is a problem that takes place in one dimension. An example problem is an object on a straight conveyor belt.
straight and curly