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what is the strength and weakness of a unitary political system?

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Q: What is the strength and weakness of a unitary political system?
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yes it is

Does Great Britain have a unitary system?

yes it has a unitary system

Define unitary system of government?

its a system

Why should a political system be unitary federal or confederal?

why should a political system be unitary federal or confederal, because a federal system would allow the state would not be a single fraction, state government would be smaller and more reposnive to local needs.

Is israel a unitary confederation or a federal system?

Israel is a unitary system.

Is Japan a unitary or federal system?

Japan is a federal system.

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What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Can a unlimited government have a unitary system of government?

Yes, an unlimited government can have a unitary system of government where all authority is centralized in the hands of the national government. In this system, the central government holds all power and can exercise control over local governments more easily.

Does a unitary system share power with the national government?

In a unitary system, power is concentrated in the hands of the national government, which holds authority over subnational entities such as regions or provinces. Subnational governments derive their power from the national government and can be created, altered, or abolished by it.

Does Japan have a Unitary System?

Yes, Japan has a unitary system of government. A unitary government is a state governed as one single unit.