The national debt.
the 1st amendment (right to freedom of speech)
Some companies paid them money to ignore these problems.
'Compensation' - 'Pay' - 'Salary' - 'Gross income before taxes' - 'Net profit acfter taxes' - 'Remuneration' - etc....
Its called GRAFT - defined as the acquisition of money, gain, or advantage by dishonest, unfair, or illegal means, most especially through the abuse of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc.
Of course they can! You signed a legal agreement giving them the right to come after you in exchange for loaning you money.
Money that is paid for the use of money is called interest. When you keep your money in a bank savings account, the bank credits your account with interest.
Money that is paid for the use of money is called interest. When you keep your money in a bank savings account, the bank credits your account with interest.
Usually such money is called "taxes".
rent paid for the use of money is called what?
An indentured slave/servant
Money paid by the looser in a war to the winner is often called "reparations"
That's called a pyramid scheme.