It takes 2/3 of both houses of congress to amend the constitution and it is a complex process laid out in the constitution. The founders didn't want Willy-nilly reasons to change the constitution.
The constitution can be changed.
It has no formal role in the process.
An amending formula is a procedure for changing the Constitution.
How have both Madison and Jefferson views of amending the constitution proven true in some ways over the course of U.S history ? How have both Madison and Jefferson views of amending the constitution proven true?SAVE CANCELalready exists.Would you like to merge this question into it?MERGE CANCELalready exists as an alternate of this question.Would you like to make it the primary and merge this question into it?MERGE CANCELexists and is an alternate of .Merge this question into Split and merge into itSAVE CANCEL
Amending the Constitution
The constitution can be changed.
Amendment 5. Cheers!
article 5
amending the constitution amending the constitution
I believe it is the process of changing something that has already been previously established. The founders concluded that if something has already been considered, voted on and passed by the body, then it should be a little harder to undo it; otherwise matters settled by narrow margins could conceivably shift along with small changes to the roll of legislators, or with some otherwise minor development seized upon by an overzealous minority. An example is the process of amending the Constitution. Three fourths of the states must approve an amendment before it becomes law. No other legislative vote is needed, and no veto from any branch of government can stop it. But getting three fourths of the states to agree to something is not easy.
The General Assembly proposes an act to amend the Constitution
Judicial review is the power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of laws and actions. In the process of amending the constitution, judicial review can be used to ensure that any proposed amendments comply with the existing constitution. This helps to maintain the integrity and consistency of the constitution.
It has no formal role in the process.
The process for amending the Constitution is described. The states are responsible for ratifying amendments.
Article V of the Constitution spells out the processes by which amendments can be proposed and ratified.