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Chief Justice Earl Warren

Justice Hugo Black

Justice Felix Frankfurter

Justice William O. Douglas

Justice Tom C. Clark

Justice John Marshall Harlan II

Justice William J. Brennan, Jr.

Justice Charles Evans Whittaker

Justice Potter Stewart

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Chief Justice
William H. Rehnquist

Associate Justices
William J. Brennan, Jr.
Byron White
Thurgood Marshall
Harry Blackmun
John Paul Stevens
Sandra Day O'Connor
Antonin Scalia
Anthony Kennedy (February)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Chief Justice

William H. Rehnquist

Associate Justices

William J. Brennan, Jr.

Byron White

Thurgood Marshall

Harry Blackmun

John Paul Stevens

Sandra Day O'Connor

Antonin Scalia

Anthony Kennedy

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Chief Justice

William H. Rehnquist

Associate Justices

John Paul Stevens

Sandra Day O'Connor

Antonin Scalia

Anthony Kennedy

David H. Souter

Clarence Thomas

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Stephen Breyer

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Chief Justice

William J. Rehnquist

Associate Justices

John Paul Stevens
Sandra Day O'Connor
Antonin Scalia
Anthony Kennedy
David Souter
Clarence Thomas
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Stephen Breyer

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Chief Justice

William Rehnquist......................1972 - 2005................Nixon (elevated by Reagan)

Associate Justices

William Brennan, Jr....................1956 - 1990.................Eisenhower

Byron White..............................1962 - 1993.................Kennedy

Thurgood Marshall.....................1967 - 1991.................Johnson

Harry Blackmun........................1970 - 1994..................Nixon

John Paul Stevens.....................1975 - Present...............Ford

Sandra Day O'Connor.................1981 - 2006..................Reagan

Antonin Scalia..........................1986 - Present...............Reagan

Anthony Kennedy......................1988 - Present...............Reagan

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Chief Justice

Fred M. Vinson

Associate Justices

Hugo Black

Stanley Forman Reed

Felix Frankfurter

William O. Douglas

Frank Murphy (until July; succeeded by Tom C. Clark)

Robert H. Jackson

Wiley Blount Rutledge (until September; succeeded by Sherman Minton)

Harold Hitz Burton

Tom C. Clark (beginning in August; succeeded Frank Murphy)

Sherman Minton (beginning in October; succeeded Wiley Rutledge)

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How many justices on the Supreme Court.?

This depends on which supreme court. Reask your question specifying the state/country, or see related questions. US Supreme Court: There are 9 Justices on the US Supreme Court.

Does the US Supreme Court have one Chief Justice and eight judges?

Close. The US Supreme Court seats one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. All US Supreme Court judges are referred to as "justices."

Is there 15 justices?

The US Supreme Court has 9 justices.

How many justices are on the supreme court?

Nine Justices Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. There have been 103 Associate Justices in the Court's history.

What is the justices in supreme court term in office?

in the US Supreme Court, life

Where do the US Supreme Court justices hear cases?

The Supreme Court justices hear cases in the courtroom of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC.

How many judges are there on the US Supreme Court and what are they called?

Federal (US) Supreme Court judges are called "justices." The Supreme Court of the United States has one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices, for a total of nine justices. State supreme court vary in the number of judges seated on their highest appellate court, and are also inconsistent with titles. Some states call them "judges," while others refer to them as "justices."

How many justices other than the Chief Justice are on the US Supreme Court?

There are eight Associate Justices, in addition to the Chief Justice, on the US Supreme Court.

Have there been any lawyers who are or were US Supreme Court justices?

All 112 justices in the history of the US Supreme Court (as of 2011) have been lawyers.

Does the President approve US Supreme Court justices?

Not exactly. The President nominates US Supreme Court justices, but the Senate must approve their appointment.

Do the us supreme court justices reflect and support the political agenda?

yes"the us supreme court justices reflect and support the political agenda

Why are US Supreme Court justices called justices and not judges?

Because then people know right away the difference. Justices=Supreme Court. Judges=Normal Courts acting under the Supreme Court.