Many independent and church organizations help people meet their needs. These organizations vary in different geographical areas. Looking for charitable organizations in your local phone book should list at least some of them.
completely focused on a single region's needs and preferences.
If a government is not responsive to the needs of its people, people have the right to overthrow the government and develop a new system of government. In the case of the American Revolution, this was a violent overthrow and the creation of a whole new type of government.
When the government no longer serves the needs of the people, but Jefferson also adds that "the people" have to first try to reason with the government and to change it peacefully. Only as a last resort must they move against the government.
John Locke believes that inalienable rights in a social contract belong to the people. People need government but the government needs to do what is best for the people.
Money makes is hard to determine what needs and wants people can afford. The government has difficulty intervening in market economies because financial situation vary greatly.
The needs of an organization are an organization's needs.The needs of organizations are organizations' needs.
The relationship between the United States government and policing organizations affect police practices by responding to police needs. Policing organizations lobby the Congress every day.
To answer this question we need a who, what, when, where, why, or how. Your question needs a what or why.
The intelligence services are the CIA, the NSA, etc.; they are what we might refer to as spies. They are government organizations intended to obtain information that the government needs for strategic or military purposes.
people who rebel in the government and in the society are those people whose voices,opinions and rights(human rights) are not heard by the government .. so they rebel so that their needs,opinions and rights will be heard by the government and can help them and support them in their needs
To serve the needs of the people.
-Form of government controlled by the people -The Needs of the people are primary. -People have rights. -People are free.
i think they should because then people know if the government is doing its job and it is a comment to the government what needs doing in there country
Government's role is to take care of the people. Safety is the primary concern, also all people should have their basic needs of life
Government is make up of the people. Without the people, there will be no government nor need for government. It is then expected that the government serve the needs and desires of the people, not their own.