Working men and women published at least 68 labor papers, and they agitated for free public education, reduction of the work day, and abolition of capital punishment, state militias, and imprisonment for debt
They don't. we actually i think that all the women in the 1900's loved water melon
A government ruled by a only women or a ruling class that passes through the women is called a matriartical government.
The storming of The Bastille and the storming of Versailles where similar because they where both acts of rebelling against the monarchy. They people where hungry, they where sick of being fully aware of the rich and lavish lifestyle the "upper class" lived. Both of these acts by the french people, played very big roles in the French Revolution.
the opportunity for middle-class women to think about society
I believe back when they were first written the women roles where played by men because women were not allowed on stage
Women did not participate in Shakespearean plays. All roles, including female ones, were played by men.
There were many uncommon roles for women during the Middle Ages. They include, but are not limited to:PriestsMonarchsSoldiersKnightsScholarsMillersSummonersPardonersParsonsSquiresFriarsReevesLawyersClerksMerchantsPhysiciansYeomenManciplesFranklinsSailorsMonks
your in my history class
Middle class women in the victorian era played lawn tennis and it was popular. Women didnt usually play sport in era, especially if they were'nt in the middle class, only men played sports. Men played mob football and then different sports throughout the years. women gradually started to play sports around the 1900s.
Middle class women were expected to raise and educate their children, entertain guests, serve their husbands, do community service, and engage in home activities: such as quilting and needle work.
Women held positions of wife,mother,peasant and nun during the Middle Ages.
The middle class
Young boys played the role of women.
It was the women
middle-class men and women