

Best Answer
  1. Price Supports
  2. Acreage Allotment
  3. Marketing Quotas
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Q: What three programs does the federal government use to prevent low farm prices?
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What is one way the federal government does not help stabilize the economy?

The federal government does not fix prices for products.

What is one way the federal government does not help stabilize te economy?

The federal government does not fix prices for goods.

What was Hoover's philosophy of government?

Hoover believed that the federal government could not give direct aid to individuals. He believed in free market capitalism and did not think the constitution gave the federal government the power to set prices.

What are farm ARPs?

Acreage Reduction Programs (ARPs), are designed to control production, raise market prices, and lower government outlays.

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The U.S. sugar industry has long been bolstered by government programs designed to elevate the prices that sugar producers receive for their product.

What are the three main economic goals that the federal government seeks to achieve?

high employment, steady growth, and stable prices

How did farmers survive when prices dropped?

In present days American farmers can recieve subsidues from the Federal Government to make less produce in an effort to increase prices. But in former days and in some other countries farmers suffer when prices drop.

What is an example of a sentence using the word subsidize?

the oil prices are high. Government should subsidize it.

What was a major problem for the US in the late 1970s?

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What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?

The Sherman Act (1890) authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them, but Supreme Court rulings prevented federal authorities from using the act for some years. The aim of the "Antitrust Act" was to prevent and to break up large groups of corporations (trusts) that monopolized an area of commerce, and thereby controlled the prices and operations of an industry (such as railroads, steel, or oil). Trusts eliminated the competition that would normally act to keep prices at a free market level. During his term (1901-1909) President Theodore Roosevelt became known as the "trust-buster" for using the Sherman Act to prevent monopolies and business cartels that served to inhibit free enterprise in the US.

Which opinion would a Republican most likely hold about entitlement programs?

Many Republicans and US taxpayers wrongly think Social Security Retirement and Social Security Disability are "entitlement" programs---- they are not. Most Republicans believe the "entitlement" programs cost the government too much money. However, most federal dollars are matching dollars or in support of State programs, such as Medicaid and SNAP. Without the Federal dollars, States would not be able to help poor, ill, disabled, and elderly. *NOTE: Most of these groups had worked before needing help, or now still work part-time as they are able and allowed under program rules. NOTE2: The amount of the typical Soc. Sec. check is not enough to live on; there are no extra dollars for anything. NOTE3: Most people pay high prices for Part D medications or part D premiums.

How does the federal government attempt to stabilize farm prices?

Under the program of price supports, Congress establishes a support price for a particular crop. In order to avoid large surpluses every year, the government has adopted the idea of acreage allotment, acreage restriction. When a crop has been overproduced and large surpluses threaten to lower prices, the government turns to marketing quotas, marketing limits.