For being a British Celtic Warrior Queen
Boudicca was a queen of the Iceni tribe in AD 61. She lead a revolt against the Romans after her husband died when they attempted to annex her territory. As punishment the Romans publicly flogged her and raped her daughters and called in loans that had been made by her husband.
In reply Boudicca raised an army and marched toward Londinium (London).
The Roman Empire sent re-enforcements and eventually the revolt was put down at the battle of Wattling street. To prevent her capture Boudicca committed suicide.
Boudicca was the Queen of Icena In roman eyes boudica was a remarkable and fearsome figure because she was amazing. She kept fighting and she eventually committed suicide by taking poison.
She had two daughters called Heanua and Lannosea. Little is known about them other than that they were raped by rogue Roman troops following the death of Boudicca's husband Prasutagus, who had been King of the powerful Iceni tribe and who had tried to ensure good relations with the Romans by making the then Roman Emperor, Nero, co-heir in his will. The Roman Governor of Britain, Gaius Paulinus, ignored this gesture and took advantage of Prasutagus's death to try and conquer the Iceni, imprisoning Boudicca, torturing her daughters, killing or torturing many of the Iceni people, and seizing their land.
It is not known for sure if Boudicca drank poison but in some stories it has been said she and her daughters drank hemlock. Some say she died of an unknown illness.
Yes there is a ghost of queen Boudicca. Her ghost has been spotted periodically throughout the years. Sightings of her have included in and around Theydon Bois (Essex) Iron age hillfort in the epping forest.Her daughters have also been sighted with her in this area. Boudicca and her soldiers are reported to haunt the icknield way in Ipsden (oxfordshire) along with some Roman soldiers. Other places where Queen Boudicca's ghost has been sighted include Cammeringham Lincolnshire in the area around Ermine street, where she travels around the village. Boudicca's ghost has also been seen at the Ambresbury Hillfort in Essex. There are numerous reports of her loitering in the area. So yes, Boudicca's ghost is still haunting Britain, maybe she has unfinished business or she can't rest because the Britons lost the battle with the Romans and she can't deal with it. It is hard to say....I guess that is a question that we would have to ask Boudicca herself.
theres no anwers
next was Londinium (London) then Verulamium (St Albans)
She was the Queen of Britons. Rome broke the treaty that was made by her husband and she, after her husband's death, led a revolt against the Romans in 60AD. In 62 AD she was defeated and commited suicide. Her name became a symbol of resistance to the Roman occupation.
becaus she attacked the romans.
she battled against the romans and stayed a fearless woman
Boudicca was a Celt.
Boudicca was not Scottish. She was English.
Boudicca got the poison from a friend
boudicca was married to Prasutagus, and Icenian king
Boudicca was born in Comulodunum (Colchester)
Boudicca wasnt very successful
Boudicca was married to the Iceni king, Pratsutagus.
it was burned in 1666 but not by Boudicca's tribesmen!!
The Queen Boudicca statue stands near Westminster Bridge, Enbankment, London. To see a photograph of the statue, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Links.
Boudicca's uprisings occurred in about AD 60-61