This question is almost impossible to answer, because no one knows if he ever had an IQ test, and if he did the results are not known. He was however a very sharp man, with a quick mind and a tremendous memory. He was known to work 16+ hour days regularly.
There were two Presidents named Johnson. The 17th President of the United States was Andrew Johnson from April 15, 1865 to March 4, 1869. The 36th President of the United States was Lyndon B. Johnson November 22, 1963 January 20, 1969
It was signed into law on July 30, 1965 by Lyndon B. Johnson.
Lyndon Johnson.
Lyndon B Johnson.
Lyndon B. Johnson
About 50 people were in Lyndon B. Johnson's family.
lady bird
it came from his dad
His mother's maiden name is Bucchanan.
Lady Bird Johnson
moved to Texas
had 5 wies f
Andrew Johnson-Tenessee Lyndon B. Johnson-Texas
measures to provide healthcare for those in need
to end poverty and racial injustice in america